Corporation Tax can be a large annual outlay for many businesses. Depending what else is going on at the time, it can potentially put a strain on cash-flow if you need some working capital for projects you’re working on, contracts that need upfront investment, or other costs that require a cash investment such as taking on new staff. Whatever the reason, Source Asset Finance is able to provide Unsecured Corporation Tax Loans over 12 months as well as 3 month Loans for VAT. We will arrange for HMRC to be paid direct and your loan repayments won’t start for 30 days after the loan is paid out. This can give you the breathing space you need for your business to continue to operate whilst you spread the cost of your Tax Bills over a longer period.
Our loans are fast and easy to apply for. All we need is the last full year’s Annual Accounts to include the Profit and Loss sheet; some up-to- date Management Figures for the current trading year; and the most recent 3 months business bank statements. Once we have this information, we can get a decision in around 1 working day. If approved, we can raise documents straight away and E-mail them out to you for signing or arrange to meet face-to-face.
Source Asset Finance provides Unsecured Corporation Tax Loans to all businesses, of any size, new or established. The rates we are able to achieve will depend on the current financial status of the business and you may be asked to provide Director’s Guarantees to support the finance. These Guarantees do not mean you are providing security against your house or any of your other assets; they are a ready made document that state the Directors will cover any outstanding finance payments if the business is unable to make them.
For further information and to get a free quote with no obligations, contact Billy Walker on 07956 045421 or e-mail
A Happy New Year to you and all the best for a prosperous 2020.